The Return

Martin Boyd

Detail from José Chávez Morado (1909-2002), “El retorno de de Quetzalcóatl”. Mural located on the university grounds of UNAM, Mexico City.

At the start of this year, the Diálogos website had some technical issues that unfortunately resulted in the temporary suspension of posts on the Diálogos Online Forum, as well as the removal of all the articles posted in the last few months of 2016. This technical setback, combined with an extremely busy start to 2017 due to a number of large projects, compelled me to place the Forum on hiatus for a few months. At last, I’m happy to announce that the articles that had been removed have now been restored to the Forum, and the extended hiatus has now come to an end.

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Ten Years of the Diálogos Online Forum

Martin Boyd

As of this month, the Diálogos Online Forum has been publishing short stories, poetry, opinions and information related to Hispanic culture and Spanish-English translation for ten years. The Forum began in January 2007 as Diálogos Online Magazine, a quarterly publication featuring articles on Hispanic culture in Canada and translations of Hispanic literature. A total of eight issues were published online in 2007 and 2008; then, in 2009, the online magazine format was adapted to a blog-style journal, including all of the original articles published in the Magazine in its archives.

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Diálogos Celebrates its 10th Anniversary!

Martin Boyd

On September 25, 2006, the company Diálogos was born. I founded the business just two months after arriving in Toronto from Mexico City, with the primary purpose of providing Spanish-English translation services, but also with a broader vision of offering a forum of intercultural exchange between the Spanish- and English-speaking worlds in Canada. Over the past decade, Diálogos has evolved into a premium agency providing translation services in the legal, literary, academic and commercial fields, serving clients here in Canada and all over the world. At the same time, our broader vision of supporting exchange between Hispanic and Anglophone communities in Canada has been realized through a wide range of initiatives.

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The 10 Most Read Articles of 2015

Martin Boyd

2015-2016As we enter the tenth year of the Diálogos Online Forum, I’d like to begin by acknowledging the articles that received the most attention from readers in 2015. The four most popular articles posted over the past year were all articles on translation, while another three of the ten most popular were articles on Hispanic Canadian cultural initiatives. Two of the translations from our series featuring the winners of the nuestra palabra short story competition also appear, as well as a review of a short story collection by Mexican-Canadian author Martha Batiz. According to the website statistics, these were the ten most read articles of the year:

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Christmas starIn January 2016, the Diálogos Online Forum will begin its 10th year of publications of literary works, ideas and information on Hispanic culture in Canada and abroad, and on Spanish-English translation, for the benefit of both Spanish- and English-speakers. In the meantime, we’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016!

The 10 Most Read Articles of 2014

2014Before embarking on yet another year of the Diálogos Online Forum, this first post of the year is dedicated to the articles that received the most attention from our readers in 2014. It was a particularly big year for articles on translation, which took six of the top ten posts of the year. The others include translations of classic works by two legendary Mexican authors, and two articles from our “Culture and Society” category. According to the statistics, these were the ten most read articles of the year:

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Seven years of the Diálogos Online Forum

Martin Boyd

DialogosThis month marks the seventh anniversary of the Diálogos Online Forum. For seven years, this site has been a bilingual meeting point where Spanish- and English-speakers can share literary works, ideas and information of relevance to Hispanic culture in Canada and abroad, as well as reflections on the role of translation in building ties between these two communities.

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The most read articles of 2013

2013To close another year of the Diálogos Online Forum, this week’s post is dedicated to the articles published in the Forum that received the most attention from our readers in 2013. This year’s list reflects the full breadth of the themes covered in the Forum, including articles on translation, Hispanic culture and society, Hispanic literature, and reviews of works by Hispanic artists. According to the statistics, the following were the top ten most read articles of the year:

  1. Two Opposing Views of Literary Translation: Nabokov vs. Borges – Martin Boyd
  2. Forty years since the Coup in Chile – Jorge Etcheverry
  3. The Myth of Linguistic Purity – Martin Boyd
  4. Translating Latin America, Part 3: How do you say “Boom” in Spanish? – Martin Boyd
  5. I Want to Live – Tania Hernández Cervantes (translated by Martin Boyd)
  6. Your Childhood in Menton – Federico García Lorca (translated by Liam Walke)
  7. Altri Suoni – CD Review by Dulce Huet Covarrubias
  8. That Latin America – Allan Fajardo
  9. Canadian Experience – Brian Kennedy
  10. A Comic Look at the Two Mexicos – Review by Martin Boyd of the film Nosotros Los Nobles

Thank you to all our contributors and readers for your support for the Forum in 2013. Thanks to your support, this initiative to open up dialogues between members of Canada’s Spanish- and English-speaking communities has now completed seven years of life.  If you are interested in making a contribution to the Forum in 2014, please feel free to contact me.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous 2014,

Martin Boyd, Director
Diálogos Intercultural Services

The Seven Most Read Articles of 2012

Before beginning a new year of publications in the Diálogos Online Forum, I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the most popular articles in the Forum in 2012.

According to the statistics, the following were the seven most read articles of the year:

The Translator’s Visibility” – Review of Found in Translation by Martin Boyd
“A Story of Hope” – Review of Papalotero by Brian Kennedy

Hispanic Literature:
Global Love” – Jorge Carrigan
Mammoth Monologue” – Martha Bátiz

Of Aliens, Borders and Sharing (the) America(s)” – Martin Boyd
The Translator’s Subjectivity” – Martin Boyd

Culture and Society
The Frozen Promised Land” – Darío Vanegas

Thank you to all our contributors and readers for your support for the Forum in 2012. If you are interested in making our contribution to the Forum in 2013, please feel free to contact me.

May 2013 be a peaceful and prosperous year for all!

Martin Boyd, Director
Diálogos Intercultural Services

Welcome to Diálogos Online Forum

Martin Boyd

Since it first began in January 2007, Diálogos Online Forum has evolved from a quarterly online magazine into a blog-style journal, but has never swayed from its main purpose to provide a bilingual forum for the publication of literary works, ideas and information on Hispanic culture in Canada and abroad, and on Spanish-English translation, for the benefit of both Spanish- and English-speakers. On the occasion of today’s launch of the new design for the Diálogos website, I would like to take the opportunity to renew the call to Hispanic writers, reviewers, translators, cultural commentators and anyone with an interest in Hispanic culture and/or Spanish-English translation to participate in this Forum by submitting articles or works for publication, or simply by posting comments on existing articles, as the intention of Diálogos Online Forum has always been, as the name suggests, to open up dialogues between members of the Spanish- and English-speaking communities.
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